NDMC has a long and substantial history that has impacted our members, local communities and the Mennonite community at large. In the 164 years of our existence we have maintained a strong new testament based faith with family at the center and outreach always a major aspect of sharing. Many other Mennonite Churches—14-- were formed from the NDMC as well as support offered for the founding of the Mennonite Hospital (now Advocate BroMenn), Bluffton College, AIMM (Congo Mission), and Meadows Mennonite Home. In later years our church was instrumental in the support or founding of: Central Illinois Relief Sale, God’s Little Acre Community Preschool, Peace Meals for the elderly, Food Resource Bank, and AWW (Angels Without Wings—high school age community church youth).
As to our membership it is made up an eclectic group of agriculture, education and professional centered individuals of many different faith roots coming together as Mennonites. The heart of our mission is faith engagement through service, acceptance, Sunday school, music and caring. Our Vision that was adopted in 2015 is “We are followers of Jesus Christ, led by his Word, reaching out in Love”. We have existed since 1851 simply because we have served our members and communities with Love and Compassion and were willing to change while maintaining our core beliefs and principles while we kept our church facilities updated and attractive visible presence that we are a church with ‘Christ as Our Cornerstone’ that our 1987 fellowship hall cornerstone indicates.