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I’m going to be honest with you. I expected our current sermon series, Questioning Jesus, to be challenging, but it has been even more challenging than I anticipated. When you begin to look intently at the questions which Jesus asked those who came into contact with it requires a deep, heart-level check of our beliefs, motives, and actions.

Our youth minister, Elliott Warden, continued the series yesterday with a really good sermon on the Good Samaritan. The question Jesus asks here is “Which of these was a neighbor to the man?” Elliott’s sermon was very challenging.

Elliott concluded by challenging us to ask three questions. First, what are some ways I try to make qualifications for whom I love? Secondly, who are my Samaritans? In other words, what are those groups who I find hard to react to with love? The third question is: how can we act in a way to meet people’s needs? These are all really good questions which we should be wrestling with as followers of Christ both individually and also collectively.

Yesterday evening, we hosted the Foods Resource Bank chili supper here at North Danvers. There was good turnout from community members and representatives of five local congregations. It was a great opportunity to fellowship with our neighbors and support and organization that’s being a good neighbor to communities around the world by providing education and resources for sustainable agricultural practices.

Remember the upcoming events that are listed in this E-Gram. We’ll be continuing our coffee fellowship time this Friday beginning around 8:30am—come and go as you please.

There are some really good opportunities ahead for us at North Danvers Mennonite Church. I continue to pray that God will give us eyes open to his purposes, and that he will give us courage to step into his plans.

God bless,


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