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20/20 Vision

20/20 Vision

As we continued to look at the book of James, the sermon yesterday was titled 20/20 Vision. James used the image of a mirror to remind us that when we look into God’s Word, we should not go away unchanged. We need to see ourselves clearly in the reflection of God’s Word, and we also need to see others more clearly as well.

There’s another important way that we must see clearly. We must be able to see what is possible for our congregation. God has a vision for this North Danvers, and we must see the way forward as clearly as possible. One of the things that constantly amazes me about North Danvers is the vision that people had for this congregation in the past. It was their faithfulness to doing what was necessary at the time which has ensured the blessing we enjoy today of being a part of North Danvers.

Steve Eickhorst had noticed that we are celebrating a centennial anniversary at North Danvers this summer. It was 100 years ago this summer that our forebears added the basement, including the furnace room and restrooms. This is also when the brick was put outside, and the North extension was added with its stairs. It’s also 100 years ago this summer when the stained-glass windows were installed in the sanctuary. There will be more information about this in the bulletin next week.

Think about those people who faithfully took part in this renovation 100 years ago today. There is no way they could imagine all that was going to happen in the rest of the lifetimes, let alone see 100 years in the future. I wonder what they would think about the world we live in today? I wonder what they would say to us about what is important and lasting? What advice would they give us about leaving a heritage behind us?

As I always pray, may those who come behind us have found us faithful.

Tomorrow is the first day of August and school will be here before we know it. Our kickoff Sunday is September 10th. This is a great time to invite friends, family, and anyone you know who doesn’t have a church home. As Mollie mentioned yesterday, we’ll be taking up a noisy offering that Sunday to bless God’s Little Acre Preschool, so start saving your change.

God bless,


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