A Snowy Monday Morning
As I write this, I am looking out my office window at another snowy Monday morning in mid-January. It was so nice yesterday to be together with our congregation as we worshipped and fellowshipped together. It is always an encouragement to me to be with my brothers and sisters in Christ—to encourage one another and to pray for one another.
Remember the annual congregational meeting will be this coming Sunday, January 21st. We will have a potluck following the service, and then we will have our annual meeting. This will be a great time to hear about our congregation’s year that’s past and to look forward to the year to come. It is amazing to see the many ways that God is blessing our congregation, and I think this will be an encouraging meeting.
I want to again extend a big thank you to all who helped prepare for and to serve during Ken Keighin’s funeral this past week. It takes many who are all willing to do their part in order for a congregation to function well. During times like this, it’s such an important way that we are able to minister to the needs of a family that has experienced the loss of a loved one.
Remember that there are lots of ways to be involved at North Danvers. One area of continuing need is for someone to help with childcare during Sunday School and the Worship Service. I would encourage you to look for opportunities to serve. Only when we are all working together will we be able to accomplish the mission that God has for us.
God bless, Brian