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Holy Week 2018

I missed being with everyone to celebrate Palm Sunday yesterday. Winter’s parting shot was a strong one! It is always a hard call to cancel services, especially at a time of the year like this. I’m thankful for those who have to think about safety and make those tough decisions. I’m also thankful for those who make sure that our sidewalks and parking lots are clear when we need them to be. It requires all of us pitching in to do our part in order for NDMC to pursue the vision God has placed before us.

I do want to take this opportunity to remind you of the special services we have coming up this week. We will be celebrating Maundy Thursday in the fellowship hall, Thursday at 6pm. There will be a light supper, and we will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper together as well.

Friday night at 7pm our Community Good Friday Service will be held at First Presbyterian Church of Danvers.

Sunday morning, we will begin with a sunrise service at 8:30am. Weather permitting, we will be in the East parking lot. You can bring your own lawn chair if you’d like. Following this we will have our fellowship time about 9am before our worship service. There will be no Sunday School this Sunday. Our Easter worship service will be held at 10:10am and then we will be dismissed following the service for those who have Easter plans with family or friends.

This week we are remembering the events that led up to Jesus’ sacrifice for us. The cross, the grave, and the resurrection are central to our faith in God’s saving work, and our hope in life eternal. It would be good for us to spend time considering what Christ has accomplished for us.

Jamie Mailhot has shared a musical setting of Psalm 23 with us that he was invited to participate in recording. It is well worth listening to, if you haven’t already seen it on our Facebook page. Below is a note from Jamie:

Hello North Danvers Friends,

A musical friend and mentor of mine (George Emlen) along with Noel (Paul) Stookey composed a musical setting of the 23rd Psalm. Last spring I was invited to participate as a chorus member in a recording of the piece. It took a while, but; George has finally released a YouTube video made using that recording.

Hope that you enjoy the music and share with friends.

Be well,


Thank you for sharing your gift with us, Jamie! The link to the musical piece can be found by clicking here.

God bless you all, I look forward to celebrating Holy Week together.


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