Danvers Days 2018
We had fantastic weather for our Danvers Days community worship service yesterday. It was good to see many of you out for it yesterday. The music provided for the service by Marc Boon’s group, The Rocky Ford Rounders, was excellent!
Josanne and I had a good trip to Northern Minnesota. We were able to see several meteors every night we were camping. The last night we were camping, at the height of this year’s Perseid meteor shower, we saw about 20! We missed being with everyone and are looking forward to being together at NDMC’s building next Sunday.
Some upcoming events to remember. Next Sunday evening we’ll be having Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? Our kick-off Sunday will be September 9th. We’ll resume our normal schedule then with Sunday School at 9am and worship at 10:10am.
The young people are back in school and back to their activities. We do a lot for our children because we want to see them grow up successful and strong. Don’t forget how important it is to instill the practice of attending Church in our young people. I’d encourage you to make it a priority this Fall. Sunday School is an excellent way for young people to get to know the basics of our Christian faith.
Finally, make sure you are thinking about who you want to invite to a church service this Fall. I hope that every person in our congregation will invite at least one person who doesn’t normally attend a church to come with you.
Hope to see you Sunday! Two more weeks in the book of Genesis before we begin our Fall series.
God bless, Brian