The Old, Familiar Carols Play
Those old carols are what can get me in the spirit of Christmas quicker than anything else. I remember as a kid we had this special group of songs that we’d only sing at this time of the year. For our Advent sermon series this year, we’re going to look at four of those old, familiar carols. We began yesterday with that old, old carol “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” The background of this carol goes all the way back to the 8th century where it was chanted in monasteries. These chants were originally in Latin.
Next week we’ll be looking at the familiar carol, “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing,” which was written by Charles Wesley. Wesley’s hymns often have profound theological truths contained in them, and this one is no different. We’ll be talking about what it means that Jesus was God in the flesh. Did you know that when Wesley wrote this carol, it had a different title and opening line? I wonder if anyone out there know what the title used to be, and what it meant.
Next week is also the children’s Christmas program during the worship service. I know that the young people have been practicing, so this should be a great program. Make sure you’re inviting others to come and participate in our worship services this Advent season. Remember that the choir’s Christmas cantata will be held on the morning of the 16th during the worship service.
God bless,