Well, Hello 2019!
Does it seem to you that 2018 just sped by, or am I getting old? Or is it both!?! Yet, here we are in the last day of 2018 looking forward to a brand-new year. My prayer is that the year ahead is one of blessing for every part of our church community, and that 2019 is a great year for North Danvers Mennonite Church.
Yesterday during my sermon I asked the question, “Does Christmas really matter?” One of the ways I answered that question was to say that we, as Christ’s followers, are called to continue the work of Christmas in our lives and the lives of those around us. I referenced a written piece by Howard Thurman called “The Work of Christmas.” I’d like to share that here.
“The Work of Christmas”
When the song of angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
The feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among the brothers,
To make music in the heart.
Thanks so much for the group from NDMC who served at Safe Harbor last night. They are an example of continuing to do the work of Christmas. The report was that there was an exceptionally large number of people who were served. A special thanks to Tracy Rennie for organizing this, but thanks so much to all who served. Thank you for representing us so well!
This is a good example of the way we are called to share the light of Christ with others. This also reminds me of the theme of next week’s sermon. Between Christmas and Easter I tend to focus on the life of Jesus. This year’s (or I guess, “next year’s”) series will be on the Gospel of Mark. Next Sunday we’ll be looking at Mark 1:1-8 and the way that John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus’ ministry. I hope you’ll make plans to be there.
For this Spring the Adult Sunday School class will also be looking at the Gospel of Mark. We’ll be taking a more in-depth look at some of the things I don’t have time to get into in the sermon. If you’ve not tried Adult Sunday School, I invite you to come out!
Next week we will be sharing in communion together during the first Sunday of the New Year. Also, remember that we’ll have a brief congregational meeting after the service on Sunday to affirm our slate of leaders for the year to come. Also our Annual Meeting will be held on January 27th after our January potluck.
As we approach the year ahead I want to encourage you to examine your commitment to North Danvers. I’m anticipating a great year ahead, but it will require all of us using our gifts to serve one another and our community. It will also require us being intentional about paying for our leaders and for God’s direction. God has worked through our congregation to be a blessing to those around us in the year past. We want to continue to position ourselves to be able to discern his will so that we can continue to do the work of Christmas everyday.
God bless, Brian