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Snowy January Morning

It’s always a difficult decision to call of worship services, but I think the right decision was made. I heard several stories of people having difficulties getting around yesterday morning. We made every effort to get the word out in a variety of ways, so I hope everyone got the news.

The plan is to have the worship service next Sunday that had been planned for yesterday. I really feel that the sermon on Mark 1:9-15 is an important one. It’s talking about the way that Jesus preached repentance when he came. Repentance is a subject that reminds us that we are sinners, and that as followers of Christ, we are called to turn away from our sin. Repentance is a word that implies the importance of change.

This morning the fog is making everything a bit hazardous, but is certainly pretty to look at. As it freezes on all of the tree branches and as the sun breaks through it makes everything look beautiful. I guess that’s true in our lives sometimes as well. There are things we may not want to experience, but the way that we respond and the way God uses them can make everything a bit brighter.

A quick reminder of the annual meeting on January 27th. We will have our end of the month potluck immediately following the service and then follow that with the annual meeting.

I hope everyone has kept safe and well, and I look forward to being with everyone next Sunday.

God bless,


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