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Mennonite Mission Network

We have a very special Sunday coming up this week. Marisa Smucker will be joining us both for the Adult Sunday School class at 9am and the worship service at 10:10am. Dr. Smucker has been appointed as the Interim Executive Director of the Mennonite Mission Network which is one of the mission organizations that we support. You can read Marisa’s bio here. There’s also a really nice article about Marisa in this week’s Anabaptist World magazine that you can read here.

It's important for us to hear about the organizations that we support. Everyone seems to enjoy hearing stories of the kinds of work that these organizations doing. You can read more about the latest work of the Mennonite Mission Network on their website here. During the Sunday School hour, Marisa will be talking about the work of the MMN and giving us time for questions and answers. During the Worship Service she’ll also be bringing our message.

Also notice that our offering for Sunday will be for the Mennonite Mission Network.

Remember that we are having our monthly potluck THIS SUNDAY—October 22nd.

This focus on mission continues our series on what God wants from his people. He wants us to have a relationship with him and relationships with one another. He wants us to grow in knowledge and practice. God also wants us to be involved with sharing the news of his Kingdom with all people.

Hope to see you Sunday!

God bless,


Scripture readings for next Sunday Luke 4:1-13—What can we learn from Jesus’ example here?

Isaiah 52:7-12—What is the image that Isaiah gives us here? What does it mean?

Romans 10:1-15—What does this teach us about the importance of missionaries?

Luke 24:36-49—What does Jesus command his disciples to do in this passage?


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