Several people have expressed an interest in yesterday’s sermon on the book of Philemon. In that sermon, I suggested there is a close connection between the book of Colossians and Philemon. The city of Colossae was where Philemon lived. I don’t normally do this, but if you’d like to hear me discuss the book of Colossians in more detail you can see me discuss it with my friend Ryan on a recent podcast episode if you click here.
Can I encourage you to follow up on yesterday’s sermon by thinking about those around you who you could encourage with the good news? Try to see those around you—at work, at home, in the neighborhood, in school—as people with whom you can share your faith. My hope and prayer is that the series of sermons on Colossians will be encouraging and will give us good ideas about how we serve God in our community.
Congratulations to Josh and Chloe Kindred on the wedding this past weekend! We hope and pray for God’s blessing on you and your family in the years to come.
A reminder that next Sunday afternoon that Carl Grieder’s Celebration of Life will be held here at the church building between 1 and 4pm. The plan is to have an “open house” in the Fellowship Hall from 1 to 3pm, then a service featuring people’s memories of Carl from 3-4pm in the sanctuary. You can see the details here.
Think about who you’d like to invite to come to worship with you next week!
God bless,
Scripture readings for next Sunday
Colossians 1:1-14—Why do you think Paul emphasizes knowledge so much in this passage?
John 15:1-8—What does it mean to “bear fruit” as Jesus talks about here?
Isaiah 11:1-5—What does it mean that the “Spirit of wisdom and understanding” will rest on him?
2 Corinthians 4:1-6—How does the contrast between light and darkness play out in our world today?