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Six Year Anniversary

I want to say that I am grateful and was overwhelmed by yesterday’s celebration for Josanne’s and my sixth anniversary at North Danvers. Thank you for those who planned the reception. Thank you for all of the cards and the kind words. I was very much surprised.

Several of you mentioned that it’s hard to believe it’s been that long. But, at the same time, there are so many things that have happened in that span of time. Some of our number and our loved ones have passed away in that time. We’ve seen some families come and others go. We’ve faced our challenges and had times of celebration as well. We always talk about being a Church family, and like any family there are good times and bad times. I appreciate so much the way you have responded to Josanne and me and made us a part of the family here.

Because many have asked, the plan is for Josanne to be back here in Illinois beginning October 15. When she went down to Kentucky to help her Dad, the plan was for her to be there for two years. It’s kind of hard to believe those two years will be over in just a couple of months! I know many of you have missed seeing her, and you know that I’m looking forward to seeing her!

My biggest hope and prayer is that we continue to allow to God work through us as a congregation here at North Danvers. It has been a challenging time over the past year and half, but let’s be united as we move forward for God’s purpose!

Love you all and God bless, Brian

Scriptures for next Sunday

1 Corinthians 12:12-31—What point is Paul making about spiritual gifts here?

1 Corinthians 13—How would you explain the connection between love and spiritual gifts?

Exodus 31:1-11—How does this account about Bezalel teach us about gifts of the Spirit?

Romans 12—What does this chapter teach us about the purpose of spiritual gifts?


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