VBS Wrap-up
Yesterday’s joint service was very nice. Though the weather didn’t cooperate, there were a good number from five area churches that met inside the Danvers Township building. The service was great with the kids singing some numbers and volunteers and young people sharing what meant the most to them about the week of Vacation Bible School. Doane from the Carlock Mennonite Church gave a good message on the theme of the week—“give us today our daily bread.” After the service, there was a great meal that was provided.
Thanks to all of the many volunteers who worked to make this past week such as special week. A huge thank you to Amber Brandt and Bonnie Melick for being co-directors. There is so much time and effort that they and the other volunteers put in. Between the two days at Carlock and two days in Danvers there were over 50 young people who participated. Our hope and prayer is that the lessons that were given will continue to stick with them in the years to come.
We’ll be back at the church building next Sunday, June 19th at 9am. Hope to see you there!
God bless,
Scripture Readings for Next Sunday
Isaiah 19—Why do you think it’s so important that Isaiah includes this prophecy about Isaiah?
Acts 17:24-28—What does this passage say is God’s relationship to the nations?
Micah 4:1-8—How would you describe the point of this prophecy?
Revelation 5:6-10—What is the implication of this passage for the practice of the Church?