When Josanne and I and the family plan a trip, the expectation is an enjoyable part of the experience. Looking forward to what we are going to do and making plans helps us to look forward to what isn’t here yet. Yesterday we looked at a parable where Jesus was talking about his second coming. We learned the importance of being prepared to endure and also to be expectant about Christ’s return. Next week we’ll be look at the Parable of the Talents. This parable has a similar theme as we consider what we should be doing as we await Christ’s return.
As a congregation, we are called to follow the vision that God is setting before us. He has work which he wants us to accomplish in ourselves, our congregation, and in our community. Following God’s vision requires faith in him, because we aren’t able to see the end of the journey from the beginning. The way only opens up bit by bit. It requires faith to use the resources that God has entrusted us with to accomplish his purpose.
Just a reminder: The 60th Illinois Mennonite Relief Sale is this week! We will be baking pies at NDMC on Thursday starting at 8am. The sale is Friday and Saturday. There is still time to sign up to volunteer. The AWW youth group is still looking for those who can help them during the pancake and sausage breakfast Saturday from 8:30-10:30am.
God bless!