the challenge of misplaced worship.
It was good to be with you this past Sunday, July 7. Worship included some wonderful music and a time to begin our journey into the book of Acts. The opening story in the book of Acts centered around the words of the resurrected Jesus to His followers, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses . . .” (Acts 1:8) The power that is promised is not the power of authority that puts us in charge. Rather it is the power that equips us to be the kind of people God has called us to be in Jesus Christ. It is the power to live in His presence, to reflect His character, to be effective witnesses that invite others into a relationship with the living God through His Son Jesus Christ. This power is given to all who commit themselves to Jesus, who receive His indwelling presence.
The call to live in the power of the Spirit, to be effective witnesses to what we have experienced in Him, does not just happen. The various stories in the book of Acts remind us of the challenges that confront us as we attempt to live lives of faithful discipleship. In the coming weeks we will be examining some of these challenges, hopefully being reminded of what it takes to stay on task.
This coming Sunday, July 14, we will be looking at Acts 14:8-20. The challenge we will be considering is the challenge of misplaced worship. Starting to follow Jesus, too often we are enticed to allow something else or someone else to take His place. We find ourselves tempted to shift our worship from the One who is truly worthy of it. The text calls us back to the centrality of Jesus, to worship of Him and Him alone.
On July 14, Nicole Potts will be preaching. I will be at North Danvers with her and her family, but she will be preaching. Nicole is a layperson at the Morton Methodist Church. I have found her to be a powerful communicator of God's truth and have invited her to preach in the churches I have served as pastor both in Morton and in Carlock. Folks will be blessed by her excellent preaching.
I was blessed to be with you all this past Sunday and look forward to being with you again on the 14th. Please be praying that we will experience the power of the Holy Spirit, that we might be effective in being a church that truly honors Jesus.
Paul Walles
Scripture readings for next Sunday
Acts 14: 8-20