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Relief Sale 2023

There’s activity about every day this week as we prepare for the 2023 version of the Illinois Mennonite Relief Sale. We are back in person for the first time in several years! The day kicks off at 6am with a pancake and sausage breakfast. The Dutch Market and other booths open at 7am, and then the auction will begin at 8am. It should be a great day! Make plans to come out.

There are still opportunities to volunteer for the Dutch Market and other events, so check on the table in the Fellowship Hall to see if there’s a time open that you could fill. There will also be a lot going on this week here at the church building as preparations are made. There will be various baking going on this week, and the pie baking day will be on Thursday starting at 8am.

Next Sunday, Laura Horst from MCC Great Lakes will be joining us doing worship service to talk about the sale and how it helps to support MCC. It should be a great time to learn about the work that MCC does with the funds that we raise.

Last night several people came for craft night. Lots of work got done, but there was also a lot of fellowship and fun as well. Thanks to Kathy Miller for coordinating it and for all who joined in to help.

In other news, remember that your pastry order for the GLAPS fundraiser is due on Saturday!

God bless, Brian

Mark 13:1-13—Why do you think these four disciples asked what they did?

Mark 13:14-37—What’s the main point of Jesus’ teaching here?

Daniel 9:25-27—What do you think is the significance of “the abomination that brings desolation”?

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12—What do you think Paul is telling the Christians here?

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