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Your Faith in Action

When we heard news of the flooding in Eastern Kentucky and then began to hear the stories and see the pictures, I knew that Josanne would want to do something about it. If you missed the service yesterday—either in person or via live-stream—Josanne will be heading down to where she’s from, Knott County, Kentucky on Wednesday. She will be taking a load of requested supplies.

Some of the things that are needed are:

1. Bedding (sheets, towels, blankets)

2. Large trash bags

3. Plastic storage bins to keep the things people have managed to retrieve.

4. Bug spray

5. Fans

6. Shovels (can be purchased for pick-up at any Bloomington/Normal IL hardware store or Walmart)

Click here for an Amazon wishlist with some of the items above. You can also give donations through NDMC, if you’d like.

Josanne is also planning to set up her food truck to prepare meals in areas where they are needed. Many are not able to currently stay in their homes and even if they are, their kitchens may not yet be back in shape for cooking. Josanne is accepting donations to help pay for food as well. You can contact her directly: 309-660-2829 or me 309-531-2520 if you’d like to help with that effort.

This is going to be a long-term process of relief and then restoration in the areas affected by the floods. Stay tuned, because it’s possible that there will be need for work groups in the future. Josanne is hoping to evaluate the needs while she is down there.

Make sure you see the information about the donation that we received from three special, young ladies elsewhere in this E-Gram. It reminds me that Jesus pointed to the example of little children for the kind of faith we are called to have.

God bless,


Scripture readings for next Sunday Isaiah 46—What is the main point that this chapter is teaching us about God?

Psalm 145—This psalm praises God’s greatness. What are some things that make you think about God’s greatness?

Isaiah 49—What is being prophesied in this chapter?

Colossians 1:15-20—How does what this passage teaches us about Jesus compare with what Isaiah says about God?


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