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March-ing On

March certainly did come in like a lion, but our hope is by the end of the month we’ll begin to experience some of those beautiful Spring days. It was beautiful to see the daffodils and crocuses at the front of the sanctuary yesterday morning!

The GLAPS pancake breakfast was a huge success with a big crowd coming out last Saturday morning. The whole crew did a fantastic job of dealing with the unexpectedly large crowd. A big thanks to all who bought supplies, got things ready, and those who worked in the kitchen and clean-up crew.

Ben gave an exciting announcement yesterday about RightNow media being available for our congregation. You should have received an email inviting you to this service, if you haven’t you can email me, Terri, or contact Ben to receive an email. If you haven’t yet, could I encourage you to sign up. There are some benefits to as many members of our congregation as possible signing up. There are some great studies and programs available. As time goes on, we will highlight some specifically.

There are several events which are coming up to keep us busy in March. Next Sunday, March 12th, make plans to stay after the Fellowship Time for a presentation of our recent Israel trip. Right after the service, we’ll have Fellowship Time as normal, and then if you want to stay for the presentation, we’ll have a light lunch. Tracie Rennie, Josanne, and I will share some of our pictures, and some stories which were the highlight of our trip.

Remember that the Illinois Mennonite Relief Sale is coming up the week after next! Pie day will be March 16th here at North Danvers, and then the sale itself is at the Interstate Center on March 17th and 18th. If you’ve never been, there are lots of fun activities. I know that many of you wouldn’t miss it!

Hope to see you next Sunday and make sure to invite a friend!

God bless,


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