From Northern Minnesota
If all goes well, when you are reading this Josanne and I should be camping in Northern Minnesota. I’m writing this on Friday from Duluth, MN anticipating that we won’t have internet access or cell phone service way up there. I hope all went well at the worship service yesterday. I want to say a big “thank you” to Bill Troyer for filling in while we’re away.
Remember that this Sunday we will not be having our worship service at the North Danvers building. Instead we will be having our joint, community worship service at 10:00 am in the park in Danvers in conjunction with Danvers Days. I hope to see you all there!
Looking a bit further ahead remember that beginning September 9th we’ll be going back to our normal schedule. Sunday School for all ages at 9am followed by our worship service at 10:10am. I hope that you are continuing to think about who you want to invite this Fall to come along to church with you. The only way that people who don’t have a church home will find out if NDMC is a good fit for them will be if we invite them to come along and see! I’d like to see every member invite at least one person to come to the worship with them this Fall. I’ve challenged our leaders to invite TWO people his Fall. I already have one person I’ve invited, and I’m trying to figure out who’ll be my second!
Josanne and I prayed for you all on Sunday morning as is our habit when we’re away from you. We look forward to seeing you all next Sunday at Danvers Days!
God bless, Brian