April (Snow) Showers?!?
March came in like a lion, and went out like. . . a really cold lion? If April showers bring May flowers, what does April snow bring? Maybe real estate signs, as people move to warmer states? Well, at least this will be a Spring to remember!
In our worship service yesterday, we began a series on the first book of the Bible—Genesis. This book is so foundational for the way that we view the world. It teaches us about our relationship to our Creator. I think you’ll find it both interesting and helpful! Make sure to invite someone to come along. If you’re not aware, I want to mention that both in the bulletin and elsewhere in this e-gram you can find readings that will help prepare you for each week’s sermon. I’ve had several people mention recently that they really appreciate this.
Remember the AWW Youth Mystery Dinner next Sunday evening at 6pm. If you haven’t RSVPed, Emma Schwoerer would like to know the number who’ll be attending, so let her know ASAP if you are planning on coming. Also, they are still accepting items for the auction to follow the dinner if you have anything you’d like to donate!
Don’t forget that NDMC will be hosting a Mental Health First-Aid Training on April 28th from 8am-5pm. This session will giving training that will help us be aware of mental health issues, and will also let us know what steps can and should be taken in the case of a mental health issue.
The good news is that a good thaw looks like it’s on the horizon. Whenever we have weather like this, I always think, “How many weeks will it be until we’re complaining about how hot it is?”
I pray that God bless you this week. Hope to see you sometime this week, and certainly next Sunday!