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Kickoff Sunday 2019

Yesterday was a really good day! There was excitement as Sunday School started again with a good attendance in all of the classes. Then there was also a good crowd for the Worship Service as well. The young people participated by taking up a “noisy offering.” The chatter and the noise of the coins hitting the bottom of the buckets made me think of the passage, “God loves a cheerful giver,” (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). It made me think we should always have so much excitement when we give.

If you missed yesterday, I hope you’ll come out for our services next week. We have begun a new series of sermons focused on the Book of Judges. The adult Sunday School class is looking at the Book of Revelation this Fall. The young people have started a new program in their Sunday School classes as well. It’s an exciting time in the life of our congregation. We really hope you come and join us.

I want to remind you here that on September 29th we will not be meeting at the NDMC building. We will be going in to the Presbyterian Church in Danvers in order to help them celebrate their 190th anniversary. The worship service will be held in their church building. Following there is a dinner which will be held at the Danvers Township building. You need to RSVP for that dinner either on the signup sheet in our Fellowship Hall, or you can call the Presbyterian Church directly to RSVP.

We are looking to lots of excitement in the upcoming months!

God bless, Brian

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