Beginning of Lent 2022
This Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. I know that many have us have not necessarily practiced this discipline, but I want to encourage you to think of giving it a try. We observe this season to prepare for remembering Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. I think it can be helpful not only to give something up to remember Christ’s sacrifice, but I also encourage the taking on a practice during this season that can be helpful to our spiritual growth. Perhaps reading some additional devotional literature, or doing more regular Bible reading would be an example of adding a spiritual practice.
I also encourage you to pray fervently during this time. As I shared during our prayer time yesterday, there are several in our community who are hurting because of loss. We are also dismayed as we see people being displaced from their homes or worse in Ukraine. It’s a time to pray for peace and for God to empower his people to be faithful witnesses to his Kingdom.
Make sure to read the rest of the announcements to see what’s going on in regarding to the Mennonite Relief Sale, and other upcoming events.
Love you all.
God bless, Brian
Scripture readings for next Sunday
Matthew 6:25-34—What do you think it looks like when we “seek first” God’s Kingdom?
Deuteronomy 11:8-21—How does this passage relate to the Sermon on the Mount?
1 Peter 5:5-11—How does it feel when we trust that God cares for us?
Mark 4:13-20—What does Jesus say about worry in the explanation of his parable?