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End of Summer

It seems impossible that it’s already the middle of August. The county fairs are over, the State Fair is underway, and schools are starting back up. Make sure to mark September 11 on your calendars, because that will be our kick-off Sunday. The young people will be putting together school bags that day, and we’d love to see a good number of people during the worship service. Can I encourage you to invite one or two people that you know to come that day?

Remember that this coming Sunday we will be meeting in the park at 9am for our Danvers Days worship service. Following the service, the Forged for Christ youth group will be holding a breakfast fund-raiser, so make plans to stick around and get something to eat. Speaking of the youth group, many thanks to Amber and Jesse Brandt and others who worked together on the end-of-bash for the youth group. Numbers were small, but a lot of effort was put into a memorable time for those who were present.

I want to say thanks again for all of those who have given to support the relief efforts after the Eastern Kentucky floods. Josanne and Andrew have been able to distribute those things that were donated, and they’ve been able to help with efforts to feed those who still don’t have a place to cook their own meals. They’ve also been able to provide needed supplies for those who are still without a place to stay. Josanne will likely have an updated list of needs in the near future, so look for that, but I do know that bedding continues to be a need.

Will you take a few minutes today to pray specifically for NDMC? Pray that God will guide us and direct us and give us wisdom to do what he has called us to do. Love you all.

God bless, Brian

Scripture readings for next Sunday

Deuteronomy 2:1-8—What do we learn about the Israelites’ “forty years” here?

Numbers 14:17-35—What do we learn about the Israelites’ “forty years” here?

Matthew 4:1-11—What do you think is the significance of Jesus’ forty days in the wilderness?

Hebrews 3:7-19—How does the Hebrew writer compare our experience with that of the Israelites in the wilderness?


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