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Holy Week 2022

Holy Week is full of activity every year. We have special services. We sometimes make special plans with friends and family, or we may even travel to visit someone or maybe we host a friend or family member. This is an important time for us spiritually as well. In our busy-ness, let’s also make sure to pay attention to what this week means to us. We remember Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf.

Because of Jesus’ resurrection, we can also live as different people. Though Jesus’ resurrection was a one-time event, its effects reverberate down through the years and we are still feeling them today. As Paul said, “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead,” (Philippians 3:10-11, NIV). The power of Jesus’ resurrection continues to operate with our lives as believers and gives us the hope of our resurrection as well. I pray that you are blessed this Easter season.

I thought the church building looked wonderful yesterday. I want to say a special thanks to Cala Laible and Twila Eickhorst who worked together on the decorations for Palm Sunday.

Remember the special Maundy Thursday communion service this week. Also remember that we will be sharing in communion on Easter Sunday as well. The schedule for Easter Sunday morning is 8:30 am Sunrise Service followed by breakfast, then our worship service at our normal time of 10:10 am.

God bless! Brian

Scripture readings for next Sunday

Matthew 28:1-15—What is the significance of people being afraid in this passage?

Psalm 99—What is the significance of the “earth shaking” here and the earthquake in Matthew 28?

Matthew 26:31-35—Why do you think it’s important that Jesus knew what was going to happen?

Philippians 3:7-14—What does it mean to “know the power of Jesus’ resurrection”?


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