I Wonder as I Wander
The phrases from this song keep running through my mind since Josanne played it for the offertory yesterday. Sometimes called The Appalachian Carol, this song was “discovered” by a music folklorist by the name of John Jacob Niles in western North Carolina in 1933. We may not sing it as often as some other Christmas carols, but I think its message fits closely with what I was trying to say in my sermon yesterday. “I wonder as I wander out under the sky, How Jesus the Savior did come for to die. For poor orn'ry people like you and like I. . . .” God’s love for us is shown most clearly when he “sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” (1 John 4:9, NIV). He did this when we were helpless to show our love for him (Romans 5:6-8). This makes it possible for us to love others in a selfless and intentional way as well.
Many thanks to Martha Reel and Betty Zook for the special music again! It helps make our celebrations this time of year that much more special. Thank you. Thanks also to our A/V crew. Yesterday went off even better than the first week, so I think we are getting the new system dialed in.
It was a blessing to welcome Jamie Mailhot and Jim and Joan Sloneker into our fellowship yesterday. If you haven’t yet, I hope you’ll take the chance to speak to them or drop them a line to let them know how glad we are that they have become members of our congregation and family.
There’s one week left for the food donations from the Reverse Advent Calendar. I hope it’s been a blessing as you’ve thought about the needs of others in this time. It’s truly more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). Next week during the service, we’ll bless the collection we’ve gathered to its intended purpose.
I hope you are making plans for a blessed Christmas season!
God bless,
Matthew 2:9-11—What do you notice about the gifts the Magi bring and their response to Jesus’ birth?
Psalm 2—What in this psalm points to Jesus?
2 Timothy 1:6-10—What do these verses tell us about what God’s gift of Jesus means to us?
Micah 5—What in this prophecy makes you think of Jesus?