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Jesus is the Life

I’ve still been thinking about the sermon from yesterday. In some ways it was a hard one to prepare for. All of us have been touched in some way by death. I wanted to be sensitive to those who have lost loved ones recently. Yet, the truth of the resurrection is such good news for us. It allows us to live completely different. It’s really the essence of our hope as followers of Christ.

Paul said to the Christians in Thessalonica that will we grieve, but not like those who have no hope. Jesus’ resurrection gives us hope.

I quoted the Apostle Paul yesterday from 1 Corinthians 15:54-57:

“Death has been swallowed up in victory.”

“Where, O death, is your victory?

Where, O death, is your sting?”

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The sin and rebellion that has led to our death has been finally reckoned with in Jesus Christ. (NIV)

Jesus has given us victory over death. Amen!

Even though we are still limited in our meeting together and fellowship, there’s a lot happening. The Youth Group did a great job with their spaghetti fundraiser. You can read about that elsewhere in this E-Gram. The preschool is doing their annual pastry fundraiser. Make sure you look for ways to contribute to that.

I hope you look through our E-Gram and E-Bulletin carefully. There is always something to learn. I hope you look through the prayer lists regularly and pray for those who are in special need.

I’m continuing to pray for you and for our congregation.

God bless,


Scriptures for this week:

John 12:37-50—Why do you think the Jews didn’t believe in Jesus even though he performed signs in their presence? Isaiah 6—Why do you think God gives Isaiah the warning that the people would not believe his message?

Numbers 14:1-32—What makes God angry with the people in this passage?

Romans 10—When you think about “believing in Jesus,” what does that look like?


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