Kickoff Sunday 2021
Yesterday was our Fall kickoff and we returned to our 9am Sunday School and our 10:10am Worship service times. We have begun a sermon series through Psalm 120-134 which are called “Songs of Ascent.” These are the psalms that would have been sung by pilgrims as they traveled up to Jerusalem and the Temple during the Jewish festivals that took place there. Our adult Sunday School class is beginning this Fall by looking through the Book of Hebrews.
The young people packed 332 school bags to be sent to various places around the world. What a great project that will mean so much to so many school-aged kids in countries where people struggle financially. I want to say a big thank you to all of those who worked hard on this project. Thanks to those who sewed the bags, and thanks to those who bought the supplies to fill them. Thanks to all of those who got things ready for Sunday as well. A big thank you to Karen Kaufman for coordinating it all, and this year without Imogene’s help over the past few weeks. Great work everyone!
Most of our farmers tell me it will be a few more weeks until they get into the fields, but I saw some corn being harvested this morning along the Yuton Road. It won’t be long until the harvest is in full swing.
God bless,
Scriptures for Sunday:
Psalm 121—What do these images teach us about the Lord’s protection?
John 14—What response does Jesus give to his disciple's’ hearts being troubled?
Psalm 20—What types of things or persons can we place our trust in?
Romans 15:1-13—How does our relationship with one another grow out of our trust in God?