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Next Few Weeks

Next week is Labor Day. This marks the end of our summer sermon series on Isaiah. So next week, September 4th, we’ll be continuing to meet a 9am. The following Sunday, September 11th, will be our Kickoff Sunday. This is when Sunday School will restart and our schedule will change to Sunday School at 9am and then our Worship Service will move back to 10:10am.

On September 11th, the young people will be putting together school bags for the Mennonite Central Committee. This is a great mission activity that our young people participate in every year. Let’s all spend some time encouraging our young people to come out for this special event. Parents, this is a great Sunday that your kids will enjoy.

For the kickoff this year, I’ve planned a short three-week sermon series called “The Long View”. It’s a bit of a departure for me, but I feel led to do this. In these three sermons, I’m going to ask us to consider the past, present, and future of North Danvers Mennonite Church. What are the special things about our past that has led us to this moment? What are some of the struggles we have faced? What about where we are now? What needs our immediate attention? Finally, where is God leading us in the future? What should be our goals and aims? I think this will be a pretty important time for us as a community, so I encourage you to plan to attend and make sure to invite others as well.

With Josanne, I want to say thanks again for the generosity you have shown toward the people of Eastern Kentucky. Your contributions are continuing to help people who were left in very difficult circumstances. As she mentioned yesterday, Josanne will be heading back down to her home county next Saturday to continue to help.

I encourage you to continue to pray for North Danvers Mennonite Church. While we have challenges to face, I am optimistic for the future of what God will do through this congregation.

God bless, Brian

Scripture readings for next Sunday Isaiah 61—As you read this chapter, what promise does this seem to describe?

Luke 4:14-21—What do you think Jesus means that this Scripture is “fulfilled in their hearing”?

Matthew 12:1-21—How is Jesus fulfilling the prophecy from Isaiah in this passage?

Psalm 11—How does this psalm depict God? What is he doing?


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