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Season’s Greetings

What are your favorite things about this season? Do you like decorating for Christmas? Do you like thinking about what gifts you’d like to buy for friends and family? Do you like the shopping? Maybe baking is more your thing. Or perhaps you like making food for friends and family to enjoy. Or maybe you like Hallmark movies—if you do, I don’t understand that at all, but there’s a reason they are so popular! Of course, we are all hearing Christmas music as a constant background now.

Whatever you enjoy in this season, I hope we all spend some time deepening our relationship with Jesus. It’s his birth that we celebrate, of course. More than just a birth, it is us remembering that he loved us enough to become a human being like us and he lived a life like ours among other humans. And he did it so that we could have this glorious relationship with God because of him. May all of the glitter, the activity, and the sounds of the season point you toward the love of Jesus.

Remember it’s also a good time to help out those who have need. There’s Project Evergreen and the giving tree in the Fellowship Hall for the Crisis Nursery. There are lots of ideas of what you can donate hanging on the tree and there’s more information elsewhere in this E-Gram.

Thanks to all who decorated last week to make both the sanctuary and fellowship hall look amazing. Thanks to all who are participating in our special Advent services whether its helping with the music or the technology or the greeting or the readings, we really appreciate your willingness to help.

Last Thursday night was a lot of fun for those who were at the Barn III production. Thanks to Cala for coordinating all of that.

Hope you have some fun this week. Also take some time each day to thank God for his marvelous gift.

God bless, Brian

Scripture Readings for Next Sunday

Isaiah 40:1-11—What does this passage have to say about peace?

Mark 1:1-8—Why do you think John the Baptist uses Isaiah 40 to describe his ministry?

Psalm 85—How would you describe the peace being discussed in this psalm?

1 Peter 3:8-12—What does it look like for us to participate in God’s peace?


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