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Thanksgiving 2021

Yesterday during the worship people shared some of the things they are thankful for. How would you answer that question, I wonder? There are so many things around us to be thankful for, yet sometimes we take them for granted. I know that I do this. Sometimes it’s not until we experience loss—of a relationship, of health, of a loved one—that we realize what we had. My hope and my prayer for us this Thanksgiving is that our eyes are open to the things around us that we can be thankful for.

Next week begins our Advent series. This year it’s entitled, “A Bit of Seasoning.” I’d encourage you to think about the passage from Colossians 4:6, “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone,” (NIV). What do you think that means?

Remember if you have some to put in the bulletin this week, get it to Terri or me by Tuesday morning. We normally do the bulletin on Thursday and Terri already had plans for Wednesday. I’ll be in the office Wednesday morning, but will be gone Friday morning. There is no coffee time on Friday, either.

Like me, I’m sure you were troubled by the horrible news out of Waukesha yesterday. It’s hard to understand how an event of celebration and joy could become a target for causing death and harm. That community and all of our communities are in need of prayer.

There are many on our prayer list in need of prayer. I’ll also remind you that this holiday season can be a time of loneliness and sadness for many. Let’s extend kindness even more to one another.

Love you all and God bless, Brian

Scripture readings for next Sunday Jeremiah 33:14-16—What image of hope do you find in this passage?

Colossians 4:2-6—What do you think it means for our conversation to be “seasoned with salt”?

Jeremiah 23:1-8—What promise does God make to his people here?

Luke 2:1-15—What is important about the mentions of David in this passage??


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