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How do you see God at work?

How do you see God at work around you? How do you see him at work in creation? How do you see God at work in the lives of your friends and family? How do you see him at work in your own life? As we move through the current sermon series, God is at Work, I pray that our eyes will be opened more and more to the way that we see God working in our everyday experiences. Sometimes we have expectations of how we think God will work, so we miss the ways in which he is really working.

I’m still a newcomer to our community of believers, but let me tell you a few of the ways that I see God at work at North Danvers. I see God’s love expressed in the times of fellowship that we share. For example, there was a good group of people at the wiener roast at Ben and Hannah Lee’s house last night. It was a joy to see everyone from the youth playing games, to the adults sitting and talking, all of us enjoying one another’s company.

I also see God at work in our times of worship. Yesterday morning’s worship service was a special time as we sang songs both familiar and new, as we shared in the Word of God, as we prayed for one another, and as we celebrated the Lord’s Supper together. God is at work touching hearts, and transforming lives as we share together in these special times together. Our community is blessed by those who share their gifts—musicians, worship planners, coordinators, leaders, servers—so that our times of worship are uplifting and encouraging.

Finally, I see God at work in our generosity. I have been impressed with the number of kingdom endeavors with which North Danvers participates by giving. We have a number of projects underway which will improve the excellence of our own facilities. There are projects completed and upcoming to help in the growth of the Church around the world. There are ways in which we fulfill the commands of Christ by caring for the physical needs of people in our own community. God has blessed us greatly, and I see God working through us when we give generously to the work of his kingdom.

I hope you will share with me and with one another the ways that you see God at work at North Danvers Mennonite Church!

God bless,


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