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Ebenezer—a stone of remembrance

When the Israelites turned back to God, Samuel set up an Ebenezer—a stone of remembrance (1 Samuel 7:12). This stone would remind them of how God had helped in the past, and it would be a reminder that God would be faithful to help in the future.

When I look at North Danvers Mennonite Church I see many signs of God’s faithfulness. I see testimony to God’s faithfulness in the stone over the door to the sanctuary. The foundation stone to the fellowship hall speaks of God’s faithfulness to this congregation. The history of this congregation on the wall of the fellowship hall is the story of God’s continued faithfulness. All of these “Ebenezers” help us remember that God will continue to be faithful. These should give us courage to move forward into what God has next for this congregation. We will all watch with excitement to see what God has in store.

I mentioned briefly that this coming Sunday is the offering for the Lowell and Sheri Glick. We are blessed to have this missionary couple that is so closely connected to our congregation on the field doing great work of the gospel. As someone who has been the mission field myself, it is important to me to be sure we are supporting this family well in our prayers, our encouragement, and financially. The important work of taking the gospel to another cultural context is not possible without strong partnership from home. Let’s be really good “partners in the gospel” to Lowell and Sheri (Philippians 1:3-6).

Josanne and I are excited to continue to get to know you all better. Please let us know ways that we can integrate better with our new Church home.

God bless,


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