Work to be Done
My personality is to always be pushing forward and thinking about what is next. I recognize this, but I don’t always do a good job compensating for it. Yesterday I was thinking about how proud I am of the many things that our congregation is engaged in that brings life and hope to those around us.
Our congregation is good at expressing God’s love to those who are facing difficulties—especially those who are facing health issues. Thank you to those who make visits, send cards, help with medical issues, share food, and meet one another’s needs. This is such a beautiful way to express our faith and to make God’s love real to those who are suffering. Thanks also for the meals provide for those who are grieving the loss of loved ones.
Our congregation is good at encouraging those who are facing challenges. Thank you for the way you encourage our young people by attending their activities, taking time to ask about their interests, and taking an interest in them. Thank you for the cards and notes to our young people who are experience life transitions into college, or the military.
Our congregation isn’t afraid to do hard work, too. Thank you to those who volunteer to work with the community food bank, Habitat for Humanity, and who give generously to relief organizations and who volunteer their time in other ways. Thanks to those who beautify our building with plants, paints, and their talents.
Thanks to those who share their gifts and time. Our musicians and worship team make our worship service so beautiful. Thanks for those who are willing to lead on our Church board, and our ministry team leaders for making sure that every runs smoothly on a day to day basis.
When we all work together and use our gifts for one another we are able to accomplish what God is calling us to. Speaking of that, I’m very excited about our new series in Nehemiah which begins next Sunday. We’ll be seeing the way that God worked through Nehemiah in order to accomplish his purpose. I hope we’ll learn more about how God can give us a vision to accomplish for us.
Kickoff Sunday will be September 11th. We will begin our new Sunday School classes, and will resume our Fall-Winter-Spring schedule of having Sunday School at 9am and our Worship Service at 10:10am. Make sure to invite your friends! Let’s make this a great kickoff for the Fall!
Darvin mentioned that Mennonite Disaster Service is looking for volunteers to work in Louisiana. There is also a way to donate funds if you can’t go yourself. You can find all of this information here: Mennonite Disaster Service, or contact Darvin if you are interested in helping.
God bless,