Holy Week 2024
This is the week that we remember the events in Jesus’ life that has impacted all eternity. Yesterday we remembered his triumphal entry into Jerusalem to the shouts of “Hosanna!” and “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” This Thursday we’ll be meeting for our Maundy Thursday service at the church building at 7pm. Remember that this service will not be live streamed. We will be taking the Lord’s Supper together during this time as we remember this final night that Jesus had with his disciples.
Friday we will remember Jesus’ suffering and death on our behalf and on behalf of the whole world (1 John 2:2). On Saturday we wait as we think of Jesus in the tomb. Then Sunday morning we will celebrate together as we remember Jesus’ resurrection and his victory over death and the grave. We will have breakfast together at 9am on Easter Sunday morning. This will be followed by our worship service at 10:10am where we will again participate in the Lord’s Supper together.
A big, big thank you to those who came to help spruce up the church building before this special time of the year. I hope you take a moment to notice the work that was done both inside with cleaning windows and woodwork and also the work down outside with weeding, trimming, and mulching. We appreciate your hard work so much.
Also thank you to those responsible for decorating the sanctuary. It looks so beautiful with the greenery, the flowers, and the new banners! Well done!
I hope that this week is a time of spiritual significance for you as well as a time to connect with both your family and your Church family.
God bless,
Scripture readings for next Sunday
Luke 24:13-35—What do you notice most about this account?
Luke 24:36-49—Why do you think Jesus says what he does to his disciples?
Deuteronomy 18:14-22—How does this Scripture point to Jesus?
1 Corinthians 15:1-11—What is significant about Paul listing the eyewitnesses to Jesus’ resurrection?