Relief Sale 2017
There is a lot happening this week in preparation for the 59th Annual Illinois Mennonite Relief sale. There are opportunities for volunteers. There will be pie baking on Thursday. The Relief Sale is on Friday and Saturday. It’s always a lot of fun, and I hope you’ll find ways to participate.
Thank you to everyone who stayed for the presentation of our Israel trip. Tracy Rennie, Donna Wisher, Josanne and I enjoyed sharing about our experiences and a “few” or our pictures of Israel-Palestine. There were about 60 people who stayed and a few who came in just for the presentation. If you missed it and want to hear more about our trip, just ask. I’m sure we’ll pull out our pictures at the drop of a hat. I mentioned in the presentation that I’d written a little thing about the place known as the Primacy of St. Peter. You can read my story here. There are some other stories you can find about our trip on Some of what Mark puts on here is a lot of fun to read. Also, though details are just beginning to form, Josanne and I are looking to lead another trip with Mark next year May 31st through June 11th 2018.
Next week during our worship service we’ll be looking at John 14. This is a passage that is familiar to us, but there may be some unexpected things that we learn from it. The Adult Sunday School finished our study of Psalms yesterday and will begin looking at the book of Proverbs next week.
Hope to see you next Sunday, and why don’t you invite someone to come along with you!
God bless, Brian