A Lot Happening
Let’s start this week with another big thank you to all who worked hard preparing for and working during the Illinois Mennonite Relief Sale. There were so many of our congregation who have worked in so many different ways. Thank you for those who baked, who donated, who volunteered, who moved things, who cleaned up, etc. Initial report is that the sale grossed $151,500. There will be a more detailed report with the net proceeds published later.
We also have a busy week around NDMC this week. Especially remember the Work Day this Saturday, March 23rd starting at 9am. There will be mulch here with plenty to do outside, but there will also be some inside deep cleaning to do. Bring some supplies and let’s work together to spruce up the church building for Spring!
Next Sunday, March 24th, is Palm Sunday. Remember that we’ll be having our potluck after this worship service then rather than on Easter Sunday. On Easter Sunday, we’ll have an egg casserole breakfast BEFORE our worship service.
I think I’ve linked this before, but I mentioned Jesus’ restoration of Peter in yesterday’s sermon. You can find a link to a short devotional I wrote about this site on Mark Ziese’s website. You can read it here if you’d like.
Take a few moments this week to invite someone to come with you to Palm Sunday or Easter Worship, or our Maundy Thursday service. It’s a time of year that people might be open to joining us for a service.
Hope to see you sometime this week!
God bless, Brian
Scripture readings for next Sunday
Luke 19:37-48—We see Jesus weeping over Jerusalem here. What fills him with such sorrow?
Habakkuk 2:4-14—What do you think Jesus is saying when he quotes this passage to the Pharisees?
Acts 17:1-9—What are the believers accused of here?
Isaiah 56:1-8—What is the primary message of this passage that Jesus quotes?