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Those in Other Places

It’s good for us to think about those who live in other places. Sometimes things that we take for granted are much more difficult to come by. It helps me put into perspective the petty things that I sometimes get upset about.

Next week we are taking up an offering for Mennonite Disaster Services (MDS). They already have crews working in Florida and Texas to help with the hurricane relief. They are also working in California in the wake of the wildfires. MDS has also already sent some to check out the situation in Puerto Rico and have plans to begin the work there also. You can read about their latest updates and look at volunteer opportunities here.

Last week, our offering went to the Glicks, our missionaries in Mexico. I received a message from the Glicks expressing their appreciation. They said: “Please, please let our church family know how grateful we are for their generous gift to our work here in Mexico. A large portion of it allowed us to start our van fund. Our 2003 Ford van will be needing to be replaced and we are so thankful to be able to start saving towards this great need. Thanks so much!!! May the Lord bless each one of you!” They went on to explain that with the money they were also able to buy Bible, tracts, as well as pay for their car insurance. They went on to say they were able to purchase “MUCH needed shocks and two tires for the van.” It is a blessing to be able to help this couple who has done so much in the Zacatecas area of Mexico.

In the sermon time yesterday, I mentioned the crackdown on religious expression in China and the subsequent arrest of a house church pastor. You can read that full story here. We should remember what a blessing it is to be able to meet publicly and to openly share our faith.

We have another opportunity to help those in other places. The Food Resource Bank plow day is upcoming on November 4. This is a good opportunity to help those around the world.

There is an opportunity to help others closer to home, as well. On November 10 we will be preparing supper for those who are served by the Safe Harbor mission. There’s a sign-up sheet in the fellowship hall if you would like to help out.

Remember the Scripture’s promise: “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God” (2 Corinthians 9:12, NIV 2011). My NDMC continue to be faithful in supplying the needs of others.

It was a joy to welcome Gil and Barb Engel and Bill and Jan Hinrichsen into the fellowship at NDMC as members during yesterday’s worship service. We look forward to years of faithfully serving together.

God bless,


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