Easter Weekend 2019
It was good share together in special services this past weekend. The weekend began with a Maundy Thursday service where we focused on Jesus’ command to “love one another” and celebrated the Lord’s Supper. Bryan Burris planned a moving Good Friday service at Carlock Christian. I thought the community choir sounded especially good. The weather was absolutely beautiful for the Sunrise Service with the Sun shining brightly. Eighty-five of us gathered to sing and read Scripture together to welcome the day together. Many people said that the Worship Service was wonderful. We are blessed to have so many talented people who are willing to use their gifts.
I do want to express a huge thank you to all of those who have served in various ways. Thank you to the musicians, and those who’ve served in the kitchen. Thanks to those who’ve volunteered in the nursery and those who’ve worked with the youth. Thanks to those who’ve mowed the grass, and even ended up shoveling snow on Palm Sunday.
A congregation is only able to function when we are all actively pursuing God’s purpose for us together. When we are working shoulder to shoulder in order to use the gifts God has given us is when we are able to be most unified.
I shared a bit about the horrible bombings which took place in Sri Lanka yesterday. This morning they are saying the death toll is 290. There has been a lot said about these bombings which targeted Christians during Easter Sunday services. I wanted to share what Duke Kwon, a pastor at Grace Meridian Hill church in DC, said in response to these attacks: “It is entirely diabolical to murder Christians gathered for worship on Easter Sunday. It is also trademark serpentine folly to do so on the day Christ’s followers are most steeped in resurrection hope, most assured of evil’s defeat, and most emboldened to face death fearlessly.” Kwon’s thought is right on target. The work of the evil one in the heart of Judas and in the leaders who worked to have Jesus killed might have seemed to be effective as Jesus died on the cross. But Sunday morning it was clear that Satan’s schemes had been thwarted by God’s much bigger and bolder plan of redemption. It’s the same with these attacks that might seem initially to be successful, but to perform them on Easter Sunday morning for maximum impact made sure that all of us as Christians were focused on the power of Jesus’ resurrection and that we need not fear death.
Remember that next week we will be having our normal potluck following our Worship Service. Also, Sunday School will be back in session next week. Hope to see you all there, and make sure to invite your friends to come along.
God bless, Brian