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Last Train to London

Yesterday was a really good day at North Danvers Mennonite Church. What a blessing to participate in Harley Brandt’s baptism! It was great to see her family and friends here to support her as well. It was also good to see some of our travelers return, while others have just left for their trips away. I was blessed by the service yesterday, and I hope you were as well.

Speaking of traveling, I forgot to mention to the congregation yesterday that I’ll be gone next Sunday. I’m taking Josanne to London for Valentine’s Day! Well. . . it’s London, Kentucky, but still, that’s pretty good, right? You won’t want to miss next Sunday, however, because my brother, David, will be filling the pulpit. I think you’ll be interested to hear him preach. You can tell me about the similarities and differences when I get back.

Remember that we’ll be having our Annual Uno Tournament on Sunday, February 23rd. We’re trying something a little different this year by beginning at 1 pm. We’ll be having the February potluck that day, and then we’ll begin afterwards. I’ll remind you of a couple of the reasons we do this event. First, it’s a great event to invite your friends or neighbors to. I’d encourage you to all think about a couple of people or more that you can invite, or bring along with you. Secondly, we play Uno because it’s a game for pretty much all ages. It’s a time when our adults and young people can participate together. I think it’s important to have these kinds of times and events as a church community, so I encourage you to come along for that reason. If you’ve never been before, these events are a lot of fun!

Come out to the service Sunday and bring a friend. I’ll see you in two weeks.

God bless,


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