Easter Monday 2020
We all said that last year’s planting season was one for the record books. Yesterday’s Easter Service is one we’ll remember for some time to come, I would imagine. We are used to gathering with a larger crowd than normal. We usually have out-of-town guests. We typically have large family get-togethers and enjoy big, traditional meals. Even so, I kept thinking yesterday that we are so blessed.
We are blessed to have the technology available for us to stay in touch with one another. We can even use our phones to participate in worship together. We have safe homes in which to shelter. We have food available. We have people checking on us. In all of these things we give thanks. But again on Easter, we give thanks most of all that the tomb is empty and that death has been defeated once and for all.
It’s hard to believe that it’s been over a month now since we’ve met together face-to-face, and so much seems to have changed. I want you encourage you all to continue to use good practices as are being recommended to stay safe—keep washing hands, keep staying in your homes, keep practicing social distancing, keep wearing your masks. It’s hard to imagine when this all might be over, but I would encourage us to all be both wise and careful in the meantime.
Thanks again to all of those who are sending encouraging notes and finding other ways to reach out creatively to brighten one another’s day. My hope is that when this is over we will have learned some lessons about being grateful and aware of our blessings that we sometimes take for granted—a hug, a handshake, and even being together. I can’t wait to sit down at Fellowship Time again and share a laugh over some coffee or some juice.
Remember those other organizations which are stepping up above and beyond in this time. Thanks to all of you who are continuing to faithfully give. This coming week’s offering is for Habitat for Humanity. I know that the Danvers-Carlock Food Pantry is finding those in need increasing during this time. Be aware of those in our community who may need a helping hand. And as I’m constantly reminding you, don’t be afraid to reach out if you have a need.
I’m continuing to pray for you all.
Love you all and may God bless you richly today!