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A Windy Monday

It started off pretty windy this morning, though it has settled down some now. The rain beating against the window sounded a bit frightening. Reminds me how the storms in our life feel at times. Somewhat scary, uncertain, and too big for us to handle. Storms in life come in all varieties, and many of you have walked through more than one and some of you are walking through them now. I mention all of this to remind you that we serve a Lord who is able to calm the storm, and he’s also able to guide us through the midst of the storm. Whatever your storm looks like, I encourage you to continue to trust in him.

Isaiah promises that a day will come when God will establish a Branch of the Lord to protect his people. Isaiah wrote, “It will be a shelter and shade from the heat of the day, and a refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain,” (Isaiah 4:6, NIV). Hold on to that promise and be reminded of it today.

Make sure you look through this E-Gram. There are several activities upcoming. This Saturday from 8 to 10am the GLAPS pancake and sausage breakfast fund-raiser will be held. Make sure to spread the word and come out to support our pre-school.

The Relief Sale will be March 18th. There are several upcoming activities as we prepare for that. I encourage you to also take a look at the items that will be in the auction that have been made by our own members. There are some talented crafts people in our congregation. Family Night is March 12th at 6:30pm. It’s an opportunity to prepare some snacks and crafts for the Relief Sale.

I love you all and I’m hoping for the best for you and for North Danvers. Keep praying.

God bless, Brian

Scripture readings for next Sunday Mark 10:1-31—What do you notice about the series of questions that Jesus is confronted with here?

Mark 10:32-52—How should we understand James and John’s request in light of what Jesus has just revealed?

Deuteronomy 24:1-4—How do you understand this teaching on divorce?

Philippians 2:1-11—How would you summarize Paul’s teaching here?


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