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Church Family

This past Sunday, August 11, was the first Sunday we had been back at the Morton church we regularly attend.  Between the time we have spent with you at North Danvers and our family vacation at the end of June, it had been about six weeks since we had been in Sunday morning worship with those we are used to seeing almost every Sunday.  In those six weeks away, we missed some things.  On August 4 a couple who have a newly born baby had her in church for her infant dedication.  We missed that.  Yesterday, I got to meet her for the first time.  During our Sundays away we missed seeing people we regularly visit with.  Yesterday, we were able to catch up with them.  Yesterday, the mission committee reported on a variety of new initiatives for the church.  It was good to celebrate that with the church.  Like most of you, being with our “church family” is a significant part of our lives.

We have certainly been enjoying being with you all since the first Sunday in July.  It has been a gift being able to fit in with your “church family.”  You have been gracious and welcoming to us, and for that we are grateful.  But it is also good to be “home.”  My point is this: we should never take for granted the blessing of being a part of a faith community.  Being part of a particular expression of the Body of Christ is something for which we should be giving God thanks.

The writer of Hebrews articulated it this way, “Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”  (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Hopefully, during the remainder of August God will find us stirring one another toward love and good works, encouraging one another, as we meet together.  And then on the first Sunday of September, you will have the opportunity to welcome Pastor Brian “home.”

This coming Sunday, August 18, will be a time for community worship at Danvers Days, and then we will meet together at the North Danvers church on August 25.  We entrust those things to God, seeking His blessing as we continue to walk with Him.

Paul Walles


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