Contending Boldly
As we continue through the book of 2 Corinthians, we are focusing upon what a Church in Action does. Yesterday we see that a Church in Action is Giving Cheerfully. This certainly includes our financial giving, but it also includes our giving of our time and talents. In our goal discernment process we are asking people to think about what they are willing to do.
Next week, in 2 Corinthians 10, we’ll see that a Church in Action is Contending Boldly. Paul says there, “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. . . .” (2 Corinthians 10:4a, NIV). This tells us two things: first, that we are fighting a battle. That is the idea of contending. Secondly, however, we learn that we don’t fight the same way that the world fights. We don’t use the weapons of power, manipulation, and intimidation. Instead, Paul goes on to say, we fight with knowledge and obedience. We are often tempted to fight our battles the way the world does. It’s an easy thing for us to slip into, but as followers of Jesus we have a different goal and purpose.
Remember that there will be a lot of activity at the NDMC building this week. Kathleen Kaufmann’s funeral service is Friday at noon with visitation from 10am-noon, and a luncheon to follow.
On Saturday a memorial service for Steve Cross will be held at 2pm with a dessert reception to follow.
Saturday is also the Plow Day for Growing Hope Globally. This will be held at the Schwoerer farm off of 150.
We had a good attendance yesterday and a very nice Potluck. I hope to see you on Sunday!
God bless,
Scripture readings for next Sunday
2 Corinthians 10—What is the basis of Paul’s confidence in his ministry?
Psalm 25—What are some things in this psalm that give us confidence in God’s work in our lives?
Luke 12:1-12—Looking at Jesus’ words in this passage, how can we live them out today?
Ephesians 6:10-20—What part of the armor of God do you think you need most in your life?