Guided along the Way
As we continue our journey through Joshua, yesterday we saw the consequences of failing to follow God’s commands. Our spiritual journeys require us to continue to obey God. None of us are able to do this perfectly, which brings up the importance of acknowledging our failures and asking for forgiveness.
Next week we’ll be talking about the importance of seeking direction from God. We need to know what God has commanded, and also how he is leading. When we read Scripture and study it together, it helps us to understand these things. It also forms us. The more we are able to internalize God’s direction, it helps us to be able to discern his heart. Christianity is not simply a group of facts to be memorized, but it is a relationship which transforms us to be more like Jesus.
Being guided by God is so important in this time when so much is confusing and unknown. We trust that even in unclear or unusual circumstances that we can see God’s way.
Continue to pray for one another and especially for those who have special needs.
God bless,
Scriptures for this week
Joshua 8:30-35—Why do you think it was important for this altar to be built?
Psalm 119:113-136—What do you most notice that these verses say about God’s Word?
John 5:31-47—What is Jesus saying about the Scriptures here?
1 Timothy 4—What do you think is the importance of God’s Word for the Church?