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July Days

The Fourth of July is past and the Danvers Band Concerts are in full swing. It’s been quite a hot summer so far, but there are still lots of great summer days to enjoy. Make sure you take a look at the various activities that are upcoming.

Remember that July 31st is our turn providing the ice cream social at the Band Concert. There are signup sheets in the fellowship hall for various ways that you can help. Lots of people have signed up already, but there are still some needs.

Thanks for everyone who welcomed me back after my vacation. I was able to do some fun things and relax a bit, but I also went down to see Josanne and her family for a couple of days as they continue to work through things with her Dad. We’ve appreciated all of the prayers, and I’d ask you to continue to pray for us as they make decisions about what is best for him.

It’s good to be back and it was good to see a good number of you on Sunday.

God bless, Brian

Scriptures for next Sunday Isaiah 29:13-16—What is the point of what God is saying through Isaiah here? John 4:19-24—What does it mean to worship in the Spirit and in truth?

Psalm 95—What does this psalm teach us about worship?

1 Corinthians 14:26-33—What similarities and differences do you think there would be between a First-Century worship service and one today?


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