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New Year 2025

In a couple of days we’ll be marking the beginning of another year. It’s a time we often take stock. We look back at the last year and think about what went well and what didn’t. It’s a time to reflect upon family and friends that we’ve lost. It’s a time to also think about new insights or skills that we’ve gained. In addition to taking stock of the year past, it’s also a time to think about the year to come. Some people make resolutions while others prefer not to. I would just ask you to also spend some time thinking this week about your relationship with God. It’s a time for us to take stock of our spiritual lives as well. I hope that you also want to make plans for your participation in the life of North Danvers in the year to come. It’s a time to make plans to attend services and participate in the other activities we have going. It’s also a good time to make a commitment about how you’d like to be involved in the work of this congregation. There are so many ways to be involved and so many ways to participate. As a congregation, I hope and pray we have a great year ahead of us in 2025.


Before we rush too headlong into the New Year, I’d also remind you that today is the sixth day of Christmas as we continue to celebrate the birth of Jesus. That Jesus took on flesh and has made his dwelling upon us has made all of the difference for us and all of the difference in the world.


I want to take one more opportunity to say a big thank you to all who were involved in decorating the church building for the season. Thank you also to all who planned worship or who shared their talents. It was truly a special time. A big thank you to all of those who volunteer. We are truly blessed to have so many who are willing to give of their time, talent, and finances in order to keep the work of this congregation going.


Josanne and I would like to say thank you as well for our year-end gift. We are certainly thankful for it.


God bless you all. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Scripture readings for next Sunday

John 20:24-31—Why does John say he is writing this book? What do you think that means?

Isaiah 9:1-7—What does this prophecy tell us about the coming of the Messiah?

John 1:1-18—What important truths about Jesus do we learn from this passage?

Genesis 1—What words and themes do you see here that are repeated in John 1:1-18?



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