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Pray for the Southeast

If you’ve seen the images from North Carolina, Eastern Tennessee, as well as Georgia and Florida, you know that Hurricane Helene had a devastating effect in this region. Pray for those who affected and those who are going to help. It’s going to be a long, long process for the recovery and rebuilding. The latest report is almost 100 killed by this storm. On a personal note, our own church secretary, Terri’s son Gage just moved to Asheville, NC in May and is without power, no gas for his generator, and no water. While many are affected, having someone you know going through it brings it home. When opportunities to help in different ways become available, I will let you know about them. For now, let’s be praying that the people suffering through this receive the help they need.


Remember that we will be celebrating World Communion Sunday on Sunday with a Lord’s Supper service this coming Sunday. Take the opportunity to invite someone who would find this time of worship meaningful.


We’ll continue Sunday by looking at what 2 Corinthians teaches us about being a Church in Action by looking at what it means for us to Proclaim Reconciliation. Reconciliation is a word all about relationships being repaired. Relationships between people and relationships between people and God. Reconciliation requires effort. It doesn’t just happen, but the fruit of reconciliation makes the effort worth it.


Hope to see you Sunday!


God bless,



Scripture readings for next Sunday


2 Corinthians 5—How would describe “reconciliation”? What does it look like?

Genesis 33:1-11—What strikes you about this story of reconciliation?

Matthew 5:21-26—Why do you think Jesus tells us to be reconciled with one another before making an offering?

Ephesians 2:14-22—What different types of reconciliation to we see in this passage?


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