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Sharing with Others

I’m writing just a short note today to allow Josanne to “guest write” today’s E-Gram. She wanted to share about the help that’s been given for the flood victims of Eastern Kentucky. It is a good reminder that this is the season when we can share with others. As I’ve been saying in the Advent sermons, the gifts God has given us were meant to be shared with others. We give hope and we make peace. Remember Project Evergreen is underway—the deadline for helping in this way is December 19th.

I’ve included a picture of our Giving Tree in the Fellowship Hall with the food that’s been brought in by those who are participating in the Reverse Advent Calendar. It’s so neat to see how much all of us doing what we can do adds us to so much when we put it together! This is going to be such a blessing to those who are served by the Danvers Carlock Food Pantry. It’s truly a blessing to be in a position to share.

So here’s what Josanne wanted to share with you:


Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Christmas decoration drive for eastern Kentucky

families. The original plan was to offer the decorations during an already-scheduled meeting

for affected families but the students had other ideas!

With the help of the youth group, we were able to collect enough decorations to completely fill

Brian’s truck. The youth group sorted out the decorations prior to packing into truck. Thanks so much for their efforts! When I unloaded the truck in Kentucky on Monday, it filled up a huge space in my friend Kim’s classroom. By the time I went back to visit on Wednesday, there was only one tote remaining!

The teachers told me what happened. When the students heard the decorations were there, they soon began arrive at Kim’s classroom. One would say, “Mrs. Mosley, I don’t have a Christmas tree.” Another would say “Mrs. Mosley, I have a tree but we don’t have many ornaments,” or “we don’t have lights for our tree.” The decorations began leaving the classroom for homes that needed it.

Eighth graders were taking home trees on the bus and were so proud to do so. It made them feel good to be able to contribute something to their homes and to bring joy to their families. The teachers that I talked to were confident that the students that needed the decorations the most were the ones that received the donations. The bonus was that the students felt they were able to positively contribute to their family. We are hoping to get some pictures and videos soon!

Thank you also to those who have donated to the snack cabinet. It is well-stocked due to your donations. They have popped so much popcorn that they burned up their microwave! We were able to use some of the other donations that have been given to buy a new, higher-powered microwave for the classroom.

We will be helping with food baskets for Christmas as well. We were able to purchase roasting

chickens for the Thanksgiving baskets and will be helping with hams for Christmas. If you want

to contribute to this effort, please let me know. I want you all to know that I have been overwhelmed with the generosity of everyone’s response! Currently, the only people still reaching out to the elementary school offering help are two former students and North Danvers Mennonite Church. The needs continue.

Thank you for being a part of meeting those needs in the name of Jesus.


A big thank you to Josanne, too, for her coordination of these efforts and for her heart for those affected in her home county. There are so many needs out there when we have eyes to see them.

God bless,


Isaiah 35—Which of the images in this chapter most speak to you about joy?

Luke 1:39-58—What speaks about joy in this story?

Psalm 126—How would you express the connection between weeping and joy?

1 Thessalonians 1:4-10—What’s the relationship between suffering and joy?


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