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Welcome Back

Thanks to the many of you who have expressed that you are glad to see Josanne and me back after our Sabbatical time. It was a very helpful time for us. I’ve shared some of what we were able to reflect on together already, but I will continue to share more in the weeks and months to come.

We started a series yesterday through the book of 2 Corinthians that I’ve titled “Church in Action” (or CIA, as I mentioned yesterday). The emphasis will be that as God’s people we are called to be active in the way that we engage our faith and our community. Every sermon title will reflect an action we are called to. For example, yesterday’s sermon was title “Providing Comfort,” while next week’s sermon based on the last half of 2 Corinthians 1 is titled “Living with Integrity.” It’s about the way that Paul conducted himself among the Corinthians as he ministered to them. In a similar way, we are called to engage with the community around us.


I want to encourage you to continue to think of people you can invite to participate in worship with us. Continue to be engaged yourself and look for ways that you can help serve. It requires all of us following God’s lead and trusting in his power for us to accomplish what he’s called us to.


It’s good to be back.


God bless, Brian


Scripture readings for next Sunday


2 Corinthians 1:12-24—Why do you think it is important that they conducted themselves with “integrity and godly sincerity”?

Proverbs 11:1-14—What do these proverbs teach about integrity?

Acts 18:1-18—What do you notice about the beginning of the Church in Corinth?

Job 2:1-10—What do we learn about Job’s integrity in this passage?




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