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Extravagant Love

Yesterday during the worship service we looked at story of the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. It’s a beautiful story that is a demonstration of her deep appreciation for Jesus. It’s also a challenging story as we see Jesus’ response to the woman, in contrast to Simon who can only see the woman’s sin. I challenged us to think about how we see the people around us. With what brush do we tend to paint those with whom we come into contact every day? I showed a picture of five faces on screen and asked, “Do we see this person?” Josanne made a good suggestion as we drove home from the service yesterday. She said I should ask each of us to think about what picture we might include. Whose face would you have put on the screen that would have challenged you to think about if you see that person for who he or she truly is, or if you overlook them.

The sermons may have stretched us the past few weeks, but it’s nothing more than seeking to live out our mission statement to be “followers of Jesus Christ, led by His Word, reaching out in love.” In Jesus’ teaching to love even those who won’t love us back, and in his example of extending grace to the sinful woman we see reflected our own call to reach out in love.

How are your challenges coming? Remember before Valentine’s Day, I’ve challenged us each to find a way to show God’s love to those who aren’t expecting it. If you’ve found a way to do this, I’d love to hear your story.

Movie night last Friday night was wonderful. Thanks to all of those who planned it and who worked to put it together. The adults were challenged by the film “Faith like Potatoes,” which was based on the true story of Angus Buchan, a farmer of Scottish ancestry turned evangelist in South Africa. I know it challenged me to trust God more even when things don’t seem to be going like we’ve planned. I hope you are continuing to pray with me for us as a congregation to have our eyes opened to God’s plan for us.

God bless,



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